About the Malayalam film, “I Am Kathalan”, which is releasing in theatres on 7 November 2024. Directed by Girish A.D., the film is a comedy thriller that stars Nasalen K. Gafoor in the lead role. The audience has discussed the film a lot due to its unique story and the re-teaming of the director-actor after Premalu.
I Am Kathalan Overview
“I Am Kathalan” is a Malayalam comedy-thriller film made on a budget of around ₹5 crore. It has an interesting mix of comedy and suspense, set against the beautiful backdrop of Kerala. The story of the film revolves around a character named Vishnu, fondly called “Kathalan”. Vishnu’s character in the film goes through many interesting and bizarre twists in life.
I Am Kathalan Box Office Collection Day 1
“I Am Kathalan” has earned around ₹0.39 crore in India so far on its first day. Although the initial collection has been low, the collection of the film is expected to increase in the coming days considering the unique story of the film and the love of the audience for director Girish A.D.
- Collection in India: ₹0.39 crore
- Worldwide Collection: ₹0.39 crore
I Am Kathalan Cast
The film features some of the best actors in Malayalam cinema, including:
- Naslen K. Gafoor – plays Vishnu aka Kathalan in the lead role.
- Lijomol Jose – contributes significantly to the story as a co-star.
- Dileesh Pothan – appears in a supporting role.
- Anshima Anilkumar – is one of the newcomers who has played a lead role.
All these actors have brought life to their characters, which makes the story even more interesting.
I Am Kathalan Budget and Cinematography
The budget of the film is around ₹5 crores, which includes cinematography by Sharan Velayudhan and music by Siddharth Pradeep. The making of the film focuses on a simple but deep story instead of complex visual effects, which makes it even more special.
“I Am Kathalan” may have taken a slow start on the first day, but its strong story, skilful direction by Girish A.D. and excellent acting by Nasalen K. Gafoor can gradually take it to great heights. The blend of comedy and thrill in this film brings a unique experience to the audience of Malayalam cinema. If the film benefits from positive word-of-mouth in the coming weeks, it can recover its budget and prove to be a box-office success.
Disclaimer: Box office data is compiled from various sources and media reports. These data may be approximate and Box Office Time makes no claims about the authenticity of the data.