Jai Hanuman Release Date: Director Prashanth Varma rose to fame across India after the release of his film ‘Hanuman’ in January 2024. The film was his first big hit in the cinematic world. Now, Prashanth Varma has announced a sequel titled ‘Jai Hanuman’. The pre-production work for this film has also been completed. Varma has revealed that Rishab Shetty will play an important role in it. The film is set to release soon and fans are quite excited for it. The plot and cast of ‘Jai Hanuman’ is not fully revealed yet, but it will definitely be a big-scale action-adventure film. Let’s know more about it.
Jai Hanuman Movie Overview
‘Jai Hanuman’ is an upcoming Telugu superhero film directed by Prasanth Varma, best known for his successful film ‘Hanuman‘. The new film is set in the same cinematic universe and is based on the story of Hanumanthu, who is endowed with the powers of Lord Hanuman to fight the evil forces that threaten his village.
Jai Hanuman Movie Key Details
- Director: Prasanth Varma
- Cast: Rishab Shetty
- Genre: Mythological, Superhero
Jai Hanuman First Look Motion TeaserÂ
The first look motion teaser of Jai Hanuman has created a lot of excitement among fans and audiences. The recently released teaser showcases stunning visuals and a catchy score that highlights the epic narrative of the film centred around Lord Hanuman. Directed by Prashanth Varma, known for his innovative storytelling, the film promises to blend mythology with modern filmmaking techniques.
With a talented cast and high production values, Jai Hanuman is set to be a major release in 2026, attracting both devotional and action film enthusiasts.
Jai Hanuman Movie Cast
The potential cast of Hanuman 2 may include many strong names. Rishab Shetty will be seen in the role of Hanumanthu/Hanuman, the main character of the film. Along with him, Amritha Aiyer can be seen as Meenakshi, who will be a key character associated with Hanumanthu.
Vinay Rai is likely to play the role of Michael/Mega Man in the film, which can be a new character. In other important roles, Samuthirakani can be cast as Vibhishan and Varalaxmi Sarathkumar as Anjamma. This star cast and story make the film even more exciting, and fans are quite excited about this sequel.
Jai Hanuman Release Date
The film ‘Jai Hanuman’ was earlier scheduled to be released in 2025, but now its tentative release date has been pushed to 2026, as the shooting of the film has not started yet. According to some reports, RRR’s Ram Charan was supposed to audition for the role of Lord Ram. If the filming of the film begins later this year, fans can watch ‘Jai Hanuman’ in theatres in 2026. This change has brought some disappointment among fans, but due to the film’s large scale and production, hopefully, it will be worth the wait.
‘Jai Hanuman’ Storyline
The story of ‘Jai Hanuman’ revolves around a character named Hanumanthu, who discovers his superpowers. Using these powers, he embarks on a mission to save his native village from evil forces. The film aims to combine traditional mythological elements with superhero themes, making the story more exciting and relevant to modern audiences. The film is similar to ‘Hanu Man’, which was appreciated for its engaging story and spectacular visual effects. ‘Jai Hanuman’ is also expected to receive a similar positive response.
When will Jai Hanuman release?
The release date of Jai Hanuman has been officially postponed to 2026.
What is the cast of Jai Hanuman Movie?
The full cast of ‘Jai Hanuman’ is yet to be confirmed. Rishab Shetty is playing the lead role in this film.
Why was Jai Hanuman delayed to 2026?
Jai Hanuman has been postponed to 2026, primarily due to director Prasanth Varma’s commitment to another project starring Ranveer Singh, which is set to begin shooting in 2025.
Final Word
The release date of Jai Hanuman has not been officially confirmed yet. The film was earlier expected to be released in 2025, but due to production delays, it may now be pushed to 2026. Director Prashanth Varma is still working on casting and pre-production, which may further affect the timeline. Fans will have to wait for official announcements regarding the film’s release.