The much-awaited Tamil film “Maharaja”, which will see Vijay Sethupathi in his 50th film, is set to release on June 14, 2024. Directed by Nithilan Swaminathan and produced by Passion Studios, the film sees Sethupathi playing a barber on a mission of revenge. The film also stars Anurag Kashyap, Mamta Mohandas, and Nataraj, and promises a gripping action drama with a unique storyline centered around the mysterious “Lakshmi”.
Good news for fans eagerly waiting to stream “Maharaja” online as its OTT rights have been acquired by a leading OTT platform, ensuring its wide reach in multiple languages ​​including Tamil, Telugu, Malayalam, and Kannada. So let’s know about its OTT release date and OTT platform.
Maharaja OTT Release Date
The much-awaited film “Maharaja” starring Vijay Sethupathi also stars Anurag Kashyap, Mamta Mohandas, and Natarajan Subramaniam in important roles. Let us tell you that the film is releasing in theaters on June 14, 2024. It is expected that the film will come on the OTT platform about five weeks after its release in theaters. Although the OTT release date of this film has not been announced yet, Netflix has acquired the digital rights and the film will be available in many languages ​​​​including Tamil, Telugu, Malayalam, Kannada, and Hindi.
Maharaja OTT Platform
Vijay Sethupathi’s much-awaited Tamil film “Maharaja” has secured its OTT release with Netflix. It is the actor’s 50th film and will be available on the platform after completing its theatrical run. While the specific release date on Netflix has not been announced yet, it is expected to be available for streaming around four to eight weeks after its theatrical debut. Apart from its original Tamil version, “Maharaja” will also be available on Netflix in Telugu, Malayalam, Kannada and Hindi.
Maharaja Satellite Partner
Versatile actor Vijay Sethupathi’s latest film “Maharaja” is set to release in Tamil and Telugu theatres on June 14, 2024. Star TV channel group has acquired its satellite rights. The Telugu version of the film is being released by NVR Cinemas, produced by Passion Studios and The Root.
Final Words
The much-awaited film “Maharaja” starring Vijay Sethupathi will be available on Netflix after its theatrical release on June 14, 2024. Netflix has acquired the digital streaming rights for this 50th film of Sethupathi’s career. Additionally, Star TV channel group has acquired satellite rights, ensuring wide availability across platforms. While the exact OTT release date is not confirmed, it is expected to premiere on Netflix about four to eight weeks after its theatrical release.
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